My Camino Route in 2024

My Camino Route in 2024
This year (2024), I will be walking my my eleventh camino, this time with my grandson, Henry on the Camino Invierno.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chantada 16 June 2024

 Henry and I walked 12 miles today, but they were difficult ones as we walked steeply down to the Rió Miño at Belesar, then even more steeply up to Chantada where we are staying tonight in an inexpensive hostal. Being Sunday all the grocery stores are closed but we did find an open restaurant that was fair but not the greatest. At least they had a television on tuned to the Netherlands - Poland European Cup soccer game, which Henry enjoyed.

We met some cattle on the way

Down to the Miño
Across the Miño
And up the other side 

Creek crossing
The road was wet, but thankfully not enough rain to get out our rain gear 
Mediocre lunch 

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