My Camino Route in 2024

My Camino Route in 2024
This year (2024), I will be walking my my eleventh camino, this time with my grandson, Henry on the Camino Invierno.

Friday, June 14, 2024

A Ponte 14 June 2024

 We walked a shorter way today at 10 miles. It was from the Rio Sil valley, up and over the mountains to the Rio Lor. Some areas were heavily forested and others were logged bare. There was a lot of mist most of the day, but clear by the afternoon. No problems for either of us. We saw one pilgrim couple on our walk today.


  1. Thank you for keeping us updated. I am so happy that you are able to share this with your grandson. Maybe he can do this with a future grandchild. This truly is inspiring.

  2. Great bonding experience for a lifetime, especially nowadays! Good on you, John. Bond
