My Camino Route in 2024

My Camino Route in 2024
This year (2024), I will be walking my my eleventh camino, this time with my grandson, Henry on the Camino Invierno.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Santiago de Compostela 21 June 2024

 Henry and I walked into Santiago this morning, completing our Camino. We had our pictures in front of the cathedral and got our Compostelas, the certificates of completion, issued by the Pilgrim's Office. After our midday meal, we are relaxing in our hotel room and will travel by bus tomorrow to Madrid.

What is this flower?

"Catman" Henry befriends two more cats

Caldo Gallego the way I make it, except they used cabbage instead of kale 
Pimentos de Padron. The waiter insisted these locally grown were better than the ones I grow. I don't agree but didn't argue.

Our Compostelas 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Susana 20 June 2024

 Today was our last long walk at 14.5 miles. A lot of elevation loss then gain as we went down the Rio Ulla valley to cross the river and up the other side. We are along the N 525 highway in a nice Albergue tonight and with a short 6 mile, 2 hour walk tomorrow to our final goal of the pilgrimage end at the cathedral in Santiago.

How old is this tree
Interesting pilgrim mementos left at this area de descanso (rest area)

Henry found a friendly cat

Ferns for the fern fans
Ancient bridge over the Rio Ulla. In the background is the AVE (Alta Velocidad España) high speed rail. Why can Spain connect the whole country and the USA can't complete a single line?

Henry is enjoying watching the European Cup soccer games. This one is the Slovenia-Serbia game. Go Slovenia!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bandeira 19 June 2024

 Henry and I walked 13 miles today to the small city of Bandeira. Only 20 miles and 1 1/2 walking days to Santiago de Compostela. Today's walk was mostly on rural or forested tracks, but with several highway and freeway over crossings .

Nice path through an industrial park outside of Lalin 
We were prepared for rain but it held off until our walk was done
Wet weather is loved by the slugs

Water was sty flowing down this path, but well placed rocks helped.

My first was caldo gallego, the iconic soup of the area. It had chicken, chorizo, potatoes, onions, kale, and paprika. I would have added some white beans.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Lalin 18 June 2024

 Rain! We knew it was a possibility and it started pouring about half an hour into our walk this morning. It was miserable and lasted about an hour before letting up for awhile, only to pour for another hour at the end of our 12 mile walk to Lalin. I told Henry that you never know what you can accomplish until you try it. We tried and we did it. He never complained, just kept on walking through it. Our hostal is on the way out of Lalin, so we did our grocery shopping and had a nice menu del diá before walking  on and checking in.

We decided to take a two mile shorter route along the highway due to the rain. We had a paved path separated from the highway that made it easier and safer.

Afternoon rain

Henry's chicken noodle soup

I had a garbanzo soup with what may have been neckbones
Henry's churrasco (steak with chorizo) He gave me the chorizo since he doesn't eat pork.

We got a piel de sapo melón at the grocery to eat later tonight.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Rodeiro 17 June 2024

 It was about 13 1/2 miles to Rodeiro today. The official Camino route was 16 miles, but Google maps showed an alternate that was shorter and was still off main roadways and out in the rural areas. Most people think of Spain as hot and dry with white stucco and red tile roofs. This area is in northwest Spain and receives a lot of rainy and cool weather very similar to northwest Washington State, hence lush wildflowers and abundant ferns in pine forests. It threatened rain all day today, but we were lucky that it only started pouring after we were in our hostal for the day.

Steak and some delicious chorizo sausages 
Typical midday lunch scene in non-touristic Spain
We both had ensalada mixta 

Street art in Chantada, Don Quixote in the right, not sure about the other

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Chantada 16 June 2024

 Henry and I walked 12 miles today, but they were difficult ones as we walked steeply down to the Rió Miño at Belesar, then even more steeply up to Chantada where we are staying tonight in an inexpensive hostal. Being Sunday all the grocery stores are closed but we did find an open restaurant that was fair but not the greatest. At least they had a television on tuned to the Netherlands - Poland European Cup soccer game, which Henry enjoyed.

We met some cattle on the way

Down to the Miño
Across the Miño
And up the other side 

Creek crossing
The road was wet, but thankfully not enough rain to get out our rain gear 
Mediocre lunch