There is a lot of Pilgrim related public art along the camino.

Walking out through the suburbs of Leon. Note the yellow arrow on the post. One must be alert to make sure to stay on the right path.

Ah!! It's nice to be walking out in the country again.
14.5 miles for today, but I got a late 9 am start out of Leòn this morning. After I got back to the pension last night, I discovered that an Australian couple, David and Leslie ( that I had dinner with a few times), and a German couple, Meiner and his wife (who I also had dinner with the other night), were all there at the pension, too. So we got together for breakfast this morning before I started walking. The Australians stayed behind to buy shoes and the Germans stayed behind because his feet needed medical attention.
The first half of the walk was through the once again dreary suburbs of León, but the rest was through quiet countryside, mostly rolling hills of nice farmland. There were some rain sprinkles off an on during the day, but not much, just enough to get out the rain poncho, then watch the rain stop a short time later. The forecast is for the same weather the next three days. As of tonight, I have about 190 miles left to Santiago. I am starting to see pulpo (octopus), a Galician delicacy, in the grocery stores and restaurants now.
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