Our picnic lunch in Hospital de Orbigo.

The Leon cathedral.

Another stained glass window in the Leon cathedral. It is hard to do them justice with a photo.

Kathy outside the Gnomes gift shop in Leon.
We were able to sleep in this morning and have a leisurely desayuno before returning to the cathedral and Gaudi designed bishop's palace in Astorga. We viewed the cathedral which has had much restoration work done. It is simple and a bit austere in the furnishings. But very imposing in it's construction. Kathy was impressed with the 100 year old, but very Gothic design of the bishop's palace. The stained glass and arches were especially impressive. From there we drove on to Hospital de Orbigo and it's several hundred meter long, multiple-arched bridge originally built in the 1300's. Kathy and I had our picnic lunch here today. Then it was on to the short drive to León. We saw the cathedral and it's magnificent stained glass. Kathy is off to find some souvenir magnets and stuff.
More later--Well, we drove on to Carrión, one of my stops a few weeks ago on my camino. It is about halfway between León and Burgos. Tomorrow a quick trip south to Palencia's cathedral, then on to Burgos and, hopefully, Santo Domingo de la Calzada.
Hope you guys are taking lots of pictures!