Many of the small fields in Galicia are bordered with rock fences.

Follow the yellow arrows!

Our afternoon cafe con leche stop at a bar/cafe enroute to Portomarin. The man and two women on the right are from the Faro Islands.

The Rio Mino.

At least my big toe is healing up!
14.2 miles to Portomarin today. Some up and downhill but nothing too strenuous. It was foggy and cold this morning but sunny and nice this afternoon. Portmarin is located on the Rio Miño, a huge river that flows through Portugal then out to the Atlantic. In this area, the river has been dammed for hydroelectric power. The entire town was moved to higher ground in the mid 1950's with only the church and one other building moved to higher ground.
Well we got away from the cheap vino tinto this afternoon. Greg bought a bottle of albariño at the supermercado. But it was oxidized and undrinkable, so I took it back. It was the only albariño so I got a different white wine, plus a Rioja tempranillo, some pulpo, mejillones (mussels), anchovy stuffed olives, and potato chips for our afternoon on the terrace overlooking the Miño here at the albergue. Life is good. The rest took off to explore the town while I decided to stay behind to write my blog.
I don't know if it was a good idea, but I took some pictures of my toe today.
When will you be on American soil again, Johnny?