Leaving the Pamplona suburbs and getting back out in the farmland.

Beautiful scenery, even in the rain.

Not enough gravel on the camino path to keep the mud off your shoes.

One wet pilgrim! At the summit of Alto Perdon. Note the pilgrim sculptures in the background.

Eolicos (Wind generators) are all over Spain, but you usually can not get this close to them.

And back down the other side of the hill.

The beautiful medieval bridge at Puente de la Reina (which means Bridge of the Queen).
It was about a 13 mile walk today. I pulled my stiff and sore body out of Pamplona about 8 am. The first part was easy, through the suburbs and past the University of Navarre. Light drizzle. Once we were in the country, though, it was all climbing for a few miles, getting steeper and steeper until we reached Alto de Perdon ( Pass of Pardon). It was switching between raining a bit heavier and lighter. The path up the hill was clayey mud with little gravel to keep the mud from clumping up on the shoes. Downhill was almost worse as they were doing some tractor work to "improve" the road, but it made it even soggier. I could just imagine the medieval pilgrims earning their indulgences in heaven or the criminal sent on the Camino as their jail sentence definitely earned their pardon too. In a few words, I was wet, tired, it was a miserable walk most of the day.
I arrived at the albergue in Puenta de la Reina about 2 pm, showered and washed my muddy clothes, so feel better now. And there are only about 12 people per room.
Sorry about not posting any photos yet. I have been posting either from my iTouch or from the 1euro per 20 minute computer in the albergue, which has only a keyboard and screen exposed, but nowhere that I can plug into to download photos.
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