The camino road into Hontanas.

Walking into Castrojeriz. The 8th century Moslem fort in on the hill.

Spaniards like their agricultural yard art, too.

Bandaging my toe in my bunk in the albergue.

A very good peregrino meal (try not to notice all the wine bottles!) From left, David the Australian, the couple from Sweden, Shawn from Australia, and me.
Another 13 miles of meseta today and it is mid afternoon in Castrojeriz. This is bit larger town of 1000 people. I walked most of today's walk with Sean. Now that I am checked into the albergue and have my daily chores done, I am off to explore the town. Several churches and the ruins of ninth century fortress.
Two hours later:
I did walk around a bit but everything is closed till 5 pm or later. I also stupidly tripped on a step while looking at something else and stubbed the big toe that I am losing my nail on! I cleaned and bandaged the toe but now I have that to have to heal up, too.
Later yet: Okay, now it is about 9 pm. Just finished a dinner with two Australian couples, a Frenchman, a Swedish couple, and the omnipresent Sean. Why are there so many Australians on the Camino? Anyway, this was one of the best peregrino menus that we had yet! The first plate was garbanzo bean soup in some kind of grain which I thought was millet along with cabbage-heavenly! Then was a five meat dish including chorizo, blood sausage, spareribs, and two other meats that I could not identify, and one of which was good. Plus 5 bottles of vino tinto for 9 people. Good food and good conversation. Fabulous and almost enough to help me forget my throbbing toe. Anyway, time to head back to the albergue to rest up for a planned 16 miles of walking tomorrow.
I hope you have some neosporin to put on your sad big toe. I worry about you and miss you lots!