A few km. outside of Burgos, getting ready to climb up the first of the meseta buttes.

On top of one of the meseta buttes, getting ready to head downhill.

Meseta country.

Digging potatoes just outside of Hornillos. How do they know which ones are potatoes and which ones are the ever present rocks?

A typical afternoon scene in one of the small camino villages. The village church is in the background center, the albergue is to the right, the local bar to the left. Peter, the dreadlocked German is sitting with his back to the camera.
This post is made on 29 Sept., but is really for yesterday, the 28th of Sept. 13 miles of walking meant this sleepy little village of about 100 people. There was a good albergue here and also one bar/restaurant that served a decent menu del peregrino. But no Internet in either the albergue or the bar and not a single wifi that I could detect. Hence my delayed report. It is hard to believe that I was in such a deserted place only 13 miles from Burgos. It kind of reminded me of the town of Yolo.
The countryside here is the meseta. Wide open flat topped buttes. Few trees. Lots of wheat fields and a bit of sunflowers and alfalfa hay. It doesn't quite look like North Dakota, but did remind me of the high plains grain growing areas of Wyoming or Montana. There is some climbing, but also a lot of relatively level walking. It has been fairly easy.
The dinner was shared with Rudolph, a German speaking Swiss musician, Barry and Sioban, a couple from Ireland, and Sean, the Australian. I had a good ensalada mixta and albdonigas (meat balls in sauce), and flan for dessert. And of course the omnipresent vino tinto. I also met up again with Peter, the German who owns the hostel in Ecuador- I thought he was way ahead but it turned out he spent two days in Logroño , so is moving at about the same pace.
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