My Camino Route in 2024

My Camino Route in 2024
This year (2024), I will be walking my my eleventh camino, this time with my grandson, Henry on the Camino Invierno.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Markina. 28 August

Today's walk was steeper and longer than yesterday's, about 14 miles.  But we both feel less sore. Maybe we are finally starting to get into better shape. The elevation change was about 1600 feet from our sea level start to the highest point. But the ascents and descents are so steep. Today's descent was muddy, too, to make it harder.

We ran across a church which had a few large boulders stacked  on each other with an open place underneath fir the altar. No way could they have been moved there when the church was built hundrerds of years ago. The church was built around and over them. Probably was a pagan ceremonial site long before Christian times.

We are at the point in our journey that we are seeing many of the same fellow pilgrims during the walk and in the albergues and restaurants. Most people walk about the same distance each day, so you get into a group of people, some of which you may be with all the way to Santiago. Interesting group dynamics.

Found free wi fi outside the local library, so will take advantage and post this now.


  1. Are you practicing your spanish?

  2. We stopped for lnch today in a small village and an old woman came out and started talking to us. Things like where are you from, where are you walking, how do you like the Basque country (¿Les gusta el pais vasco?), and so on. The guy from Poland want me to ask if she had some milk, so she took him into her house which was actually a small store. She sold him a beer, but no milk. Very interesting old lady. I stumbled through my Spanish, bust Greg was impressed.
